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Do you want to help grow our community? Share about Campus Looks on your social media profiles! It is so simple, just post a screenshot of one of our blog post on your snapchat story and add our URL,, and tell your followers to swipe up! We want to grow our community so that it is possible to hear more opinions about college campus fashion. Your post helps us by promoting our blog to your followers! Campus Looks is based in New Jersey at Rutgers University but we want to know how people at other campuses across the country dress. No one knows how to balance trendiness and comfort more than college students! With feedback from people all over the country we can mix the trends and create something awesome! Fashion thrives off collaboration, and the more followers Campus Looks has the more collaborating we can do. This is also beneficial for all of you! The more people we have on our site, the more people you can connect with in the comment section. We want campus looks to be a place that welcomes open conversation about street style on college campus. Help us do so by sharing us on your socials!

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