Image Editing

I had a vision for my blog, so I knew before creating my image what I wanted the whole look of the site to be. My goal was to create something edgy yet simple. When looking for the images that were a part of the creative commons it was hard to find something that fit into the design I had been picturing. This was only challenging because the options were narrowed down because of copyright laws. It was not difficult for me to pair two photos together, in fact this aspect came naturally to me. Once I had found them the rest was easy because I had taken a class before that taught us how to use photoshop.I am a visual person, so I knew exactly what I wanted to make. Envisioning the content I wanted to put  on my blog definitely came naturally. However, I did find the dimensions of the header to be a more narrow space then I am used to working with, so I had to adjust to that. There were slight variations in Pixlrs setup but for the most it was exactly the same as Adobe photoshop. I was not aware that Pixlr existed, Pixlr is a great free service that is extremely similar to photoshop. Now that I have access to this free photoshop I will definitely be using it more on my website. For the future of this class I am now more experienced in working with smaller canvases which will be beneficial since I have to work with the predetermined dimensions of my theme. In everyday life almost everywhere we look our view is filled with logos. After using Pixlr and having experience creating our own form of a logo we now know the work that goes into this. I think this gives us a great appreciation of graphic designers hard work and we will no longer take this images for granted.

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