Meme post

Every year I watch all the award shows simply to see what the stars are wearing. For people who are interested in fashion this is red carpet season not award show season. I watch the pre-show red carpet for every single show. As I am watching and deciding which looks I like best I can’t help but to fantasize about how one day I want to walk down the carpet myself. However, for a girl who cannot sing or act this seems like a far fetched dream. This is why I appreciate the Fiji girl meme so much. Fiji girl was hired to only hold Fiji water on the carpet and offer it to people as they walked by. Fiji girl had bigger plans. She managed to jump into the background of tons of stars shots and photo bomb them. This gave me hope that if I get creative I actually may be able to be pictured on the carpet one day!

photo source:

From this thousand of other memes were created that I usually find relatable to my life because if given the opportunity I would probably do what Fiji water girl did.

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