Screen Casting

I personally found screencasting very difficult. I had tremendous difficulty figuring out how to include the screencast on my website. In fact, I am not entirely I have found the solution. I also do not think this screencasting post fits in with my other posts. I am talking about my favorite fashion blogs and its features but my other posts talk about trends, not technology. I dreaded doing this post because I did not find it relevant for my blog and also find my own voice cringey. However, I do see the importance of this assignment. If you are reviewing a website or video game I could see how doing a voice over of your screen is necessary. This could also help if you were giving tutorials on how to use certain features. I just do not think this is something my targeted audience would like to see. While it was not my favorite assignment I do think it is important knowledge. With all these assignments so far it is news to me that these free services exist and actually works. People pay hundreds in monthly subscriptions for these software/services. I think it will be useful later in the future to be aware that free options are out there. While I personally have never used another screen recording service I found this one extremely easy to navigate. It was word press is where I had the most difficult because the file I had saved from screencast-omatic was “unsafe” for the site, and there is no other clear way to insert videos on to your site. I am not completely sure if this was a screencast-omatic issue or a WordPress based issue. I did find it easy to talk about my favorite fashion blog for 3-5 minutes and actually went over time. I do not like hearing my own voice but I could understand how this gives a personal touch to discussions on blogs. It was not my favorite assignment but I do see the positives and negatives of screen recording.

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