I loved the powerpuff girls growing up and really got a kick out of this assignment! I had no idea websites like these exsist but I loved making myself into a powerpuff character. I feel as though my character is really accurate. I really do love animals and love nothing more than a lazy day with my dog. Not to mention my powerpuff character’s cute outfit. I will admit I spent more time than I would like to admit trying all the outfit choices on my avitar. The fur coat, skirt, and boots I choose I think is the trendiest outfit you will ever see a powerpuff girl in. This assignment was filled with nostalgia and brought me back to my childhood! I tried to make the facial features as similar to my real ones as possible, but I just had to cave and give myself the cute heart eyes. I think that the target audience of my blog would also like to powerpuff themselves because my target audience is someone who is my age. I know you are thinking we are too old to be doing something so childish, but powerpuff girls was very popular when we were younger and people love being reminded of their childhood!

2 thoughts on “POWERPUFF YOURSELF”

  1. Your version of the Powerpuff came out really cool, great job! I found it really interesting how the assignment was nostalgic for you as it reminded you of your childhood days. I have done the peanitize version for the assignment and I felt the same way going through all different versions of my peanut.


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